Start Operation Sandcastle
Obtain the Ogre DNA
Defeat Ogre Helen
Finish the Game
Finish the game in Hardcore Mode
Finish the game with A Rank
Finish the game with S Rank
Finish the game without dying
Kill 200 decoys
Kill 10 sparkers
Freeze 200 enemies
Obtain the Frost Grip
Kill 50 enemies with an headshot
Kill 50 enemies with a melee finisher
Hit 50 enemies with the Frost Mine
Hit at least 3 enemies with a single Frost Surge
Find all documents
Find all audio logs
Find all scanners
Find all aliens collectables
Obtain all the Frost Grip upgrades
Hack a very hard terminal
Survive the first encounter with a Sparker
Destroy 10 Chain Lightning with the Frost Grip
Find Foster
Escape the Detention Area
Save Gora inside the school
Find the truth about Helen
Reach the Castle
Reach the Sarcophagus